Tyler C. Chrestman
Based out of my hometown St. Louis, Missouri. Writing has always been something I greatly enjoyed doing. The goal of this podcast and blog is to spur discussion about important topics. The idea that there are things too taboo to talk about, or opinions so evil that cannot be debated, is misguided. Some people believe that I am intentionally contrarian or heterodox for the fun of it, but make no mistake, I am no provocateur. I believe that keeping the Overton Window as wide as possible is good for the country as a whole. Hopefully by daring to think publicly, we are able to propel the discussion forward in a productive and meaningful way.
Check out my work in all the following places as well as my social media links below.
-St. Louis Post Dispatch
- American Thinker
-Voyage STL Magazine
-Canvas Rebel Magazine
-Boxing News 24