Based out of Saint Louis. Writing is a passion and the goal of this blog is to spur discussion. Hopefully we are able to move forward and have difficult conversations in a productive and meaningful way.

Women's March

Women's March

     To ridicule or disparage a movement for utilizing their right to peacefully protest is to display a fundamental misunderstanding of how sacred that right truly is. The constitution was written in such a way as to protect the people from the tyranny of government. The ability to air grievances in public is a right not shared around the world, it is a right we occasionally take for granted. It is entirely reasonable to disagree with the message of a protest, but when a large group of people gather to have their message be heard it is important to take the time to listen. If you never honestly consider the issues being raised, and instead are content to mock people for practicing their first amendment rights to assemble, you fail to realize what it means to be an American.

     Today, around the country, women organized marches in various cities to protest the new presidential administration. President Trump was taken to task for what is seen, in large part, as his numerous shortcomings. From his misogyny, to his the attack on reproductive rights, his racist rhetoric, his climate denial, his xenophobia, his bigotry against Muslims, today the American people let Donald Trump know that he will be held accountable for his actions as president. He will be expected to represent all of America, not just the minority that voted for him.

     The tone for Donald Trump’s presidency was set yesterday when he took office, when, in what appears to have been his first presidential act, he removed all mention of LGBTQ rights and climate change from the White House website. Trump appears poised to begin rolling back strides made by progressives over the past eight years. The march today let him know it will be a fight to do so.

     The goal of the march was simple, to let the President know that the people are watching. The march voiced the concerns of many Americans who are fearful for their rights. Today, was a show of solidarity. It showed Americans will not stand idly by and allow their rights or the rights of their neighbors to be infringed upon. Today, Americans put Donald Trump on notice, something which should be respected, even if you do not agree with the message. Because, standing up for your values, even in the face of American government, is what it means to be an American. 

Why Trumpcare Failed

Why Trumpcare Failed

Allen West & the Censoring of Free Speech

Allen West & the Censoring of Free Speech